Read this letter from HG Wells, written in 2021 – PROVING he was a time traveler. Man goes into shed, disappears, and reemerges a day later as an old man.


Dear Neighbor,

I must be brief but I thought it necessary to log some information down while the internet is still active and thriving. You see, I have been traveling in time since the year 1894. The way this works is a bit elaborate so I won’t get into the technicalities, but basically, I am able to slingshot myself into the future so long as I locate my older self, who has lived a full life, and send him back into the past from which I traveled.

HG Wells Time Travel

I might get caught three years from now entering a shed and then reemerging days later as an old man. This is what I’m doing. Staving off my own death to live forever by finding older versions of myself and then doing the old switcheroo.

What this means, if you think about it, is that I am sacrificing life to live forever. I exist in a single time, for but a moment, and then catapult into the future. But rarely am I living. Most of the time, I am trying to figure out the next slingshot.

Every iteration of the future grows stranger than the last, and the gig is up if one of my future selves dies early unexpectedly.

But I’ve managed to go from 1894 to 1945 and then to 1996 and then to 2024, an then I will transpose myself to 2055… The point of the novel, which I wrote before embarking on my journey through time, was to illustrate that no matter what, fate dictates our lives. I guess know you’d refer to this phenomenon as Karma in your era.

HG Wells was a time traveler - 1996

I’m not really sure what you are supposed to do with this information, but I hope it finds you well. I also hope you don’t fear death as I have, but welcome it as you would a long night’s sleep after a work long day. Row, row, row your boat, my child.

Life is but a dream.


HG Wells  

HG Wells in 1946

P.S. LAENIF exists.

HG Wells Was a Time Traveler ; Slingshot Time Travel

HG Wells Was a Time Traveler - Slingshot Time Travel