This River Roaring Poem by BW Derge as featured in the collection of poems entitled MARS JAZZ - this piece a free-verse spitfire poem about human consciousness grappling with its own existential nihilism, unable to see things from a different perspective. The babbling brook becomes this river roaring poem - 

"This River Roaring" - Poem by BW Derge from "Mars Jazz" - written in 2015.

This River Roaring

Beneath enough silly things

It should have seen another way.

Off again, the horses wild run

And the wind treads water

Over sensitive stereotypical babbling

Down the calm brook

Saying something

The clouds would’ve said

Had they any tongue

Embarked upon the neck of a tree

And the shoulder snaps soon-

Beneath the silly troves of things

That must’ve seen again by day break

The shore of sadness

And emptiness lost in some pit

In the body cavity of a lost soul

Listening to the slave bus

As it drives the workers

To keep them in place

For you never escape

If you think you’re free.

The exhaust pipe hisses at distant light

Showering their glow from heavens;

Never have the fingers touched as much

Other than what sits

Bitterly beneath the shadow,

Horses running by a babbling brook - image generated by AI

Under the skeleton, a love trumpets

Some solar misguidance

About what should have been

In some other day, on a another place

Out there far away from Earth-

The alien spaceships pass by

With their slaves on board

To keep every miserable bag of meat in place


Across the void of space,

The universe has no time

For you to act up and speak out of turn-

Suffering consciousness

Babbling down a gravity brook bent

On some lunar rainbow of time,

Alien spaceship - lunar rainbow time - image created with AI

What lay beyond

The fourth dimension, the five senses,

What exists beyond these things?

What ripples do actions of here and now

Echo into surrounding infinity? Anything?

The brain wave neuron contraption

Of emotional discharge

Screaming at the sky for answers:

Crazy lunatics with torn shirts

Shaking fists at the air,

Demanding the universe from nothing-

Intellectual warfare

Shrouds the evolutionary pulse

Regurgitating from the toad’s mouth

In a bog by a brook beneath the silly things

That should have seen some other way-

Repetition onward

Into nonsensical meaningless

Lost in a starlight glistening

In a dead eyeball

Two thousand years ago,

The delusions were built

To crush us and teach us love-

Love and truth and words that burst

Under the weight of their pretension,

You cannot know a word’s meaning

Unless you have felt

The necessary feeling of derivation-

river roaring in a dead eyeball with a lunatic - image generated by AI

Divination in mathematics

On a mountain with a goat

In a scholar cap teaching algebra

As sacred geometry

Becomes an assortment of jokes

Spoken by elephants on the internet,

What became of what once was

That got us thinking things

Were once so beautiful?

Are you the same?

Did you change?

What became of that sordid perception

Lamenting elsewhere?

In the brain a passion burns

In the pipe of an old man on a porch

Wondering where time went

And surely at the end of this life,

All the moments prior make the mind realize

It was but a dream,

What a high!

What a trip!

Have we already died upon Olympus

Generations ago?

Who are we truly?

Goat in a scholar cap teaching sacred geometry to elephants on the internet - image created with AI

Silly little things,

Silly little things sitting

By a brook beneath

What should have seen another way-

Drowning in the messy afterglow

Of poison poetry stew,

Where was this river roaring

As it flowed?

Right on time, the slave bus hisses

At stars as prisoners have yet to see

They were never really free.

But oh their faces shined

When they sang the anthems

Of liberation and salvation-

All for what?

To discover it was all a dream

Buried beneath silly things

That never saw another way?

This river roaring by the slave bus hisses - image generated with AI

If this is life then life will end and pass us by

And never to breathe again, I’m afraid.

I’m afraid the love isn’t enough

To capture the grasps of fearful delirium…


I’m afraid we are but specks of dusts

Dramatizing existential crises

In a spontaneous dream;

Nothing before, nothing after,

And nothing ever again,

And for nothing more than silly things- !

Think about it sometime

When you a find a moment, maybe,

I don’t care.


This River Roaring Poem - image generated by AI - skull nightmare house

Blindsides the picnic basket delirium

Bullfrog dragon drinking upon blood

Of a stomach-

And there they go, do you see?

The horses gallop off

And winds sink to the bottom-

All the tree branches have fallen

And this whole thing crumbles to ash

As no one is left to breathe-

Never again, my friend,

Whoever you might be one day.

Never again.





This Roaring River Poem - bullfrog dragon picnic basket image generated with AI

by BW Derge


all rights reserved 2024 ©


Poem was originally written in 2015

This Roaring River Poem - image created with AI

This River Roaring Poem